Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm back!

Though many a day I've been away,
It is not idle I've been,
In sun and shade, through wood and glade,
So many things I've seen.

The sounds and sights, now bits and bytes,
Within my hard drive wait
And so to you, my faithful few,
I send what I create.

Hello to all my followers!  Once again I am taking up my pen and paper, well, laptop, and allowing the poetry and prose that's in my heart to spill out into my blog for all the world to see.  I will again be illustrating said poetry and prose with some of my photos.  I have been working hard on my camera skills, so I hope that you enjoy this renewed offering!

Cheers, all!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I like your photo with the very cool path and bridge.
